Track Location of other person while u chatting with them..using cmd?

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Oh k you want to track your friends or someone else's location while you are chatting with them ..
ok but how..?????

                                  Follow these steps to track them out..!!

  • The first thing you have to check is that you are using a system or a laptop with ms-dos or windows ?
  • Next ?chat with them wait for them to reply you only when they replied you you can get their ip address ..\
  • ok but there are exceptions though like it will not work until they are using there own isp connection or also it is based on if they are using a proxy ser,vpn etc in such cases u may not get the actual location of them.
  • ok stepping into the scene now you have got them replied to ur message .?

In Command Prompt, type netstat -a or if you are using any messenger to chat then use netstat -nbt. Now, command prompt will show all your computer’s IP Addresses and Receiver IP Address.

Tracking Location
After getting your friend’s IP Address go to either http://www.whatismyipaddress.com/ or http://www.ip-address.org/. Choose Location Finder and fill your friend’s IP Address and it will show your friend’s Geographic location.

Note:- These information is for educational purpose only do not use it for any abuse ?
Thank YOU.!

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